Our History

Caritas Chamber Choir was founded in 2011 by Benedict Preece, its Music Director. Caritas is the Latin word for charity and the group raises funds for various charities, good causes and churches.

Members are drawn from around East Kent with both professional singers and advanced non-professional singers. The ensemble has become an important part of the cultural landscape of Kent and is renowned for its commitment to contemporary choral works.

Caritas have many international collaborations and have performed in Sweden, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands. Every year, the choir proudly sings in Lille Cathedral as part of their summer music festival. For three years the choir ran an international choral composition competition and continues to champion new music with Sarah Cattley as the choir’s Associate Composer. 

Our distinguished Honorary Patron

We were honoured that the late Very Revd Robert Willis was our patron until his death in October 2024

Our Associate

© Caritas 2025

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